Nerve Injury Lawyer New York City – Ed Lemmo Law

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There are many types of cases Involving nerve injuries from trauma of accident or medical malpractice handled by Ed Lemmo Law.  The nervous system consists of both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system is the complex nerve tissues that control activities of the body and consist of the brain and spinal cord and canal.  The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves in the arms, legs.  Ed Lemmo Law is experienced in handling injures or malpractice causing injury to the central nervous and peripheral nervous system including traumatic brain injury, and injury to the spinal cord that can result in complete or partial paralysis, herniated discs causing radiculopathy or radicular pain and sciatica from back trauma. 

We have seen birth injuries such as brachial plexus injury to an infant. We have extensive experience in handling birth injuries such as brachial plexus injuries to the newborn. This can result from the malpractice or failure of the obstetrical delivery team in failing to timely recognize an obstetrical emergency called ” shoulder dystocia ” .  Shoulder dystocia happens  when one of the baby’s shoulders becomes impacted or stuck  against the mother’s pelvis during the delivery.  Factors include having a large baby, or a mother with a small pelvis , or the baby being in the wrong position during birth.   As a preventative  measure, induction of labor by a medication called Pitocin may be used. It is the responsibility of the labor and delivery team  to recognize this complication and immediately implement procedures such as the Rubin, Mc Roberts and others to get the baby out and free the impacted shoulder.   Brachial plexus nerve injury to the baby is a complication of shoulder dystocia that is not timely recognized or treated.  The brachial plexus is a network of nerves in the shoulder that carries movement  and sensory signals from the spinal cord to the arms and hands. Brachial plexus injuries typically stem from trauma to the neck and can cause pain , weakness and numbness in the arm and hand.  Fetal maneuvers such as the Rubin  or McRoberts maneuver , or others can and should be employed by the delivery team to free the baby’s shoulder and prevent nerve injury. We are experienced in handling these types of cases that can range from mild to sever. 

 Automobile and slip or trip and fall accidents, or other types of trauma from malpractice can also cause nerve injury.  If the nerve root is torn from the spinal cord  or injured from trauma, then  it can cause a lifetime of pain.  The suprascapular  nerve along the back of the shoulder can be compressed from trauma, and cervical  or lumbar radiculopathy can occur from an automobile accident causing a driver or passenger to sustain a herniated disc.  A peripheral nerve injury can be associated with shoulder trauma . Injuries to the peripheral nervous system form misplaced injections , or surgical procedures can also have devastating consequences. Often  a traumatic injury results in fractures and lacerations that involve injury to the peripheral nerves.   Such example off injuries are fractures to the facial bones that can result in severed nerves.  These types of injuries can have permanent effects , such as drooling , inability to talk properly, or  difficulty eating. 

 The attorneys at Ed Lemmo Law have extensive experience in dealing with clients who have injuries to nerves in the back, neck, shoulder or legs.  We represent clients who have suffered direct compression injury to the femoral nerve and / or sciatic nerve either due to trauma or improper technique during surgery or a procedure or injection.  Injuries to nerves innervating or supplying the feet can sometimes result in foot drop, a devastating injury .  Patients with a ” foot drop” lose the ability to flex the ankle or toes, and  their  foot remains extended , dragging on the ground.  I have represented clients who have suffered nerve injury as a result of improper nursing training during injections .

 There are many effective medications today that can help a client relive pain from neuropathic pain such as gabapentin or Lyrica to name a few.  These medications can produce side effects themselves . 

 Another issue that many of our clients deal  with includes the uncertainty of whether their nerve injury will ever improve . Injured nerves, often have the ability to grow back over time.  For this reason we often need to wait  before attempting to resolve or settle a nerve injury case . 

There are a number of diagnostic tests that can assist clients with nerve injuries are EMG exams and nerve conduction studies .At  Ed Lemmo Law , we understand that  not all of our clients will recover or show positive test results.   Thus we will not rush you in considering settling or trying your peripheral nerve injury case to verdict., until we know your prognosis by a board certified neurologist. 

If you need further information about your never injury case call us at Ed Lemmo Law.  The consultation is always free and there is no charge until we are retained.  Visit our website at for further information or call us at 646-522-9082. 

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