If you are involved in a car accident or bus accident or a pedestrian struck by a vehicle, or fall on a premises or broken or dangerous sidewalk and someone calls 911 and the police arrive to the scene and make a report , it is important to obtain a NYC Police accident report . If it is a motor vehicle type of accident it is called an MV-104 form. It is a police report filed by the police at from the precinct closest to the accident. Police reports can be very helpful for a lawyer or insurance company to determine who is at fault , and whether the conditions or statements made by the drivers are admissions against their interest. Only in death cases, will the police usually take photographs of the roadway.
1) IIN PERSON _ You can request a copy of an NYPD police report at the police precinct where the accident occurred. This must be done withing the first 30 days after the reports filing date .
2) ON LINE – Within 7 days after the precinct has your accident report available ,it will be uploaded to their online portal . You can request your NYPD police accident report online using the Collision Report Retrieival Portal .
3) BY MAIL – Download and complete 2 copies of the Police Report ( REQUEST FOR COPY OF COLLISION RECORD ) , and mail the copies to the precinct where the accident occurred..
4) AFTER 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE ACCIDENT REPORT – After 30 days from the date of the accident you can make all requests for the police report to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. This can be done in one of two ways :
1) By mail : using form MV-198C (PDF)
2) On Line : Download the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Website Report transactions page.
Call Ed Lemmo Law , who can assist you in obtaining your police accident report . I can help review the accident report and help you determine if you have a meritorious case . Call me or one of my LEMMO LAW TEAM MEMBERS at 646-522-9082 or email me at edwardlemmo@yahoo.com to evaluate the merits of your case and get the representation you deserve .