Dear Injured Victims of a Rear End Accident:
One of the most frustrating types of vehicle accidents is being stopped at a red light or stop sign and being rear ended by another vehicle without warning. it is unexpected , it can cause serious injuries and unfortunately the offending driver and their insurance company wont pay !. What can you do under these circumstances.
First, to the nearest emergency room and do not refuse medical attention.
Second ,always explain that you were wearing your seatbelt at the time of the crash .
Third , Take photos of the damage to the vehicles involved.
Fourth, – Call 911 . Do not leave the scene unless the police arrive.
Why are rear end collisions the most common type of vehicle accident?
Facts Regarding Rear-End Collisions
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), rear-end collisions are the type of crashes that occur the most frequently. Such collisions are responsible for about 29 percent of all car accidents nationwide. However, how do these rear-end collisions occur? This question was answered in a study. For the study, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration commissioned the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) to conduct research and a series of tests about rear-end collisions. Although the VTTI’s research encompassed many aspects of rear-end collisions, some of the important findings were:
- The majority of rear-end collisions occur when the leading vehicle is stopped or moving at a very slow speed. About 81 percent of rear-end accidents occurred when the lead vehicle was completely stopped. In most collisions, the driver was following too closely to the car in front of it.
- Most rear-end collisions occur during daytime hours on dry, straight and level roads.
- In nearly half of rear-end collisions, the driver following the vehicle failed to react to the stopped/slowed vehicle due to being distracted or not paying attention.
- If the driver following the vehicle was eating, daydreaming, using a cell phone or conversing with a passenger, it was more likely to cause a rear-end collision. The study found that driver distraction was responsible for about 90 percent of rear-end collisions.
- Male drivers between the ages of 25 and 34 were 1.9 times more likely than other age groups to be involved in a rear-end collision.
The study’s findings highlight the need for drivers to leave more space between themselves and the car in front of it and to avoid engaging in distracting activities such as texting or using cell phones. Unfortunately, despite the danger, many drivers will continue to give staying connected a higher priority than roadway safety.
If You’ve Been Rear-Ended and Suffered Serious Injury, Our Car Accident Attorneys Can Help
If you have been injured in a rear-end collision, driver negligence may be to blame. Insurance companies will likely offer you a low and paltry settlement before you are aware of the full extent of your injuries.
Our experienced car accident attorneys will fight for your rights to fair compensation for your pain and suffering, medical bills and lost earnings. Call the experienced attorneys at Lemmo Law at 646-522-9082 and get the justice you deserve!