Dear Friends and Future Clients
A common type of highway or two lane roadway accident involves ‘ Blind Spots ” . Blind spots or No Zones are areas around a truck or vehicle which are not visible to the truck driver, as he cannot see areas in front of him, behind him and to the sides while driving a truck . While a truck driver has to signal before making a turn they also have to check their blind spots.
This challenge is magnified for truck drivers because of the size and build of their vehicles. While drivers of passenger vehicles are often taught how to avoid being in the blind spot of a semi-truck driver, semi-truck drivers are and should be responsible for using their tools to ensure they are also driving safely.
Blind spots are areas around a vehicle that are not visible to the driver–particularly through use of mirrors. Blind spots can be dangerous, as drivers may be unaware of vehicles around them when they change lanes or turn. Semi-truck drivers have a better view of what is in front of them as well as larger mirrors than passenger vehicles. However, they still have blind spots.
Semi-truck blind spots include:
- Directly in front of the truck’s cab for about 20 feet
- Directly behind the truck’s trailer for about 30 feet
- Along each side of the truck extending backward diagonally
- Immediately below and behind the driver’s window
Semi-trucks have larger blind spots than other vehicles. Drivers of passenger vehicles or smaller vehicles can more easily turn their heads to see what might be out their side windows, they have rearview mirrors, and they are more likely to use their mirrors to check their blind spots.
Truck drivers should understand these factors and know how to properly clear their blind spots when changing lanes, turning, or move their trucks. If truckers do not take these actions and cause injury, victims can often hold them liable for their injuries with the help of a truck accident attorney.
Many circumstances can cause a blind spot accident. Most of them can be reduced to the fact that the truck driver did not see the smaller vehicle when they were changing lanes or turning, which then caused them to collide with the other vehicle.
Common causes include:
- Vehicles are following each other in close proximity, whether the car is in front of or behind the semi-truck
- Aggressive actions of truck drivers such as hitting the breaks to encourage the driver to back off or cutting off another vehicle
- The truck driver’s failure to check their blind spots before changing lanes
- Truck driver fatigue
- Impaired driving
- Sudden lane changes
- Distracted driving
While drivers of passenger vehicles should be aware of a truck’s blind spots and stay out of them, truck drivers have a duty to take steps to reduce these blind spots and decrease the potential for an accident if a car is in their blind spot.
If they breach this duty of care, a truck accident lawyer can prove their liability in the accident. There are several ways truckers can reduce the risk of collisions caused by blind spots:
- Extra mirrors: Truck drivers can install extra mirrors. Mounting one on each side of the hood can decrease the size of the blind spots in the left and right lanes. Another mirror can be added to the passenger side to help the driver see traffic passing on the right side.
- Positioning mirrors correctly: The position of a truck driver’s mirrors can make a big difference in reducing their blind spots.
- Install accessories: In addition to mirrors, several safety accessories can be installed on a semi-truck to help prevent accidents caused by blind spots. These include audible tones, back-up sensors, wide-angle cameras, and fish-eye mirrors.
- Clear blind spots: Before changing lanes or otherwise maneuvering their vehicle, truck drivers should use their mirrors and other accessories to be sure their blind spots are clear. If they do not take this action, substantial accidents can occur.
If a truck driver fails to use his mirrors including the mirror on the hood of the truck called a ” Convex Mirror” and look often and long enough before turning into a right moving lane of traffic , causing a side swipe accident , then they may be liable for not properly checking before turning their truck.
Alt LEMMO LAW , we take truck accidents involving blind spots seriously and prosecute them. Contact a truck accident lawyer , such as Lemmo Law – Edward Lemmo Esq. We will review the circumstances of your accident, answer your questions, and discuss the viability of your case. Pick up the phone and call us today if you have a truck accident involving serious injuries to you or a family member or friend.